Global Colours (system)
custom FONTS
#184A70 | #17364F | #B2AA8E | #707070 |
Primary | Secondary | Accent | Text |
Custom Fonts were uploaded. Google Fonts were used but converted to Woff & Woff2. Instructions here: Youtube video
- Source Sans Pro 300, 400, 700
- Source Sans Pro 300 400 italic
- Lato 300, 400, 700
Global Colours (custom)
#222222 | #707070 | #EA1A1A |
Almost Black | Lightest Text | Sale Red |
#357396 | #98BED1 | #ABB8C3 |
Lighter Blue | Lightest Blue | Blue-Grey |
Lines and Div | Medium Grey | Lightest Grey Bkgd |
Primary font is Lato used for everything but body copy and when script should be used. Shown in lightest text.
Secondary font is Source Sans Pro used for all body copy for legibility. Shown in text colour lightest grey for text.
Text is set to San Source Pro, Weight of 400
Because the default button settings are set to take the styling of the accent colour and accent font, it is currently set similar to MENU ITEM
Product Title
Largest text
Category Main
Menu Items
The Contra Pro
body & links
Header H1: Primary Color; 3em; Line 1.2em
Header H2: Primary Color; 2em; Line 1.2em
Header H3: Primary Color; 1.5em; Line 1.2 em
Header H4: secondary color; 15px; Lspacing 0.5px
Header H5: secondary color; 13px; LHEight 0.5px
Header H6: Secondary color; 12px; LHEIGHT 0.5PX
HTML Tag: <p> (paragraph spacing 12px set in body style)
Body Text Font
The body text is set in Typography separate from the Global colours and fonts. It is not the default for the text editor widget or the Heading Widget but is used as a default elsewhere like table cells, labels, and HTML and the 'p' tag
- Source Sans Pro
- 16px
- Color: Black
- Weight: 400
- Paragraph spacing: 12
The “Default Font” is either the body text or if the body text in Typography is set to Default then the font is inherited from the settings for “Text” in the Global Fonts.
images & forms & Lines
Normal: Global accent color, global accent font (Lato, 14px, letter sp. 0.4)
Hover: Underline, box shadow inset with blur of 5
Gold Button
No site settings have been set for images. No borders, opacity, box shadows or CSS filters are applied.
No settings assigned to Form Fields
Div: Div and Line custom color, 1px, solid
New! | Sale! | Bestseller | Popular | 2-CD Set | We Stock It! | Special Order |
#059E6E | #EA1A1A | #6100AD | #AC1EC5 | #687E8B | #0D96B5 | #B37917 |
New! | Sale! | Bestseller | Popular | 2-CD Set | We Stock It! | Special Order |
#1D785B | #B82601 | #813772 | #675682 | #626E60 | #1C91AD | #B2AA8E |
headers & footers
Header and Footer set in Theme Builder. Site Title widget and Logo widget are below.
- List Item #1
- List Item #2
- List Item #3
Custom CSS classes in the Elementor Site Settings
Custom CSS classes in the Hello Theme Customizer
.woocommerce span.onsale {background-color: #EA1A1A}
.woocommerce .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-handle {background-color: var(--e-global-color-accent); width: 0.6em; border-radius: initial;}
.woocommerce .widget_price_filter .ui-slider .ui-slider-range {background-color: var(--e-global-color-accent);}
.woocommerce .products ul{margin-bottom: 0;}